Cavy Corner

how my love endlessly blossoms for you


I never had guinea pigs in my childhood. I had a few hamsters, but my cousins were always the ones with guinea pigs. In 2019, I wanted a rabbit. Of course, this was a spur-of-the-moment complete impulse desire. Completely ill-advised and I am glad it didn't happen. Similarly to guinea pigs, rabbits need a lot of space, and I did not have that space or maturity. It was around my birthday (well it was the month of my birthday), and not only was I watching videos about rabbits, but guinea pigs as well, leading to a monumental moment in my life. I crouched in front of a tank filled with baby guinea pigs. Babies, possibly a few weeks old at the most. They were all boys and the cutest little things I've ever seen. My mom asked if I wanted one, but I told her they had to go together. She adamantly refused this, so I was able to get one guinea pig, and he was named Smudge. Not even a few days later, my mom picked me up from school and placed a small box in my lap, a second guinea pig! Parents will always try and seem tough, but they can resist pets either. So there they were two brothers who allegedly came out of their mom the same time, Smudge and Doobie. The loves of my lives, my darlings, my dearests, the two responsible for tweaking my lips up into a smile without fail. I loved my babies more than anything in the world.

I got my guinea pigs when I was very depressed, and when I did attempt suicide years ago, I had to leave my pigs for a long time. When I got back home, and life returned to normal (well as normal as pre covid was) I wanted to do my very best for these two. I changed my outlook on life and dedicated myself to my babies. Unfortunately, I lost Doobie to cancer in 2023. It broke my heart 1000 times over. Smudge never acclimated well with anyone else, so now it's just me and Smudge, and I do everything I can for him.

I love guinea pigs, and I want to do my best for my baby everyday. I wasn't always perfect, and I think it's very important to know regardless of the size of the animal you are making a commitment to a living being that needs your care. I was not committed to caring for myself, so for a little bit I slacked on caring for my pigs and I was also a complete novice at caring for guinea pigs. I was very lucky to have my mom helping me way back when (I was 16 when I got these two! I'm old now!). I am putting all my pigtures here as well as a picture diary! Smudge doesn't really do anything crazy every day, but when he is cute, why not make a post about it? (click below!)