


Big brother

Shy and Quick to Cry

April 4th, 2019

Smudge is a tri-colour American guinea pig. He is currently 5 years old and has the same birthday/gotcha day as his brother Doobie. Smudge has a white base with splotches of dark brown all over his body and dark brown pants. His belly has a checkerboard pattern which mixes with the dark brown and ivory colouration on his body. One of his legs is white and the other is brown, similarly to his brother.

Smudge is my current guinea pig and the big brother of the pair. He has always been incredibly shy and easily startled. He usually freezes in place before getting himself together and getting moving! He has big black eyes adorned with markings that look like thick black eyeliner, and a cute little pink mouth that adds to his weary expression. On his own Smudge will always let you know when you are late to feed him. You can hear him from halfway up or down that stairs wheeking his head off for a snack. He will always be first to the hidey, nestling himself in his stump house or underneath anything that can ensconce him in shadow. Despite his nervous nature, he's got a bit of a sassy streak and can also be remarkably cuddly and sweet.

When taking out Smudge for floor time or just to hang out with me, he will either try to find a place to hide and eat his snacks, or flop himself down on my lap and get comfortable. When I pet him in the right spot he will start to purr and nestle himself deeper into my lap. How sweet! Sometimes he rather pee on me without letting me know to put him back! Thanks! Smudge is a big fan of toys. He loves to throw around paper towel rolls and play with little bird balls. He also enjoys anything soft and fluffy, preferring to sleep on a comfy pillow or in a cozy bed.

Smudge is a bit “cringefail”, and this is only exacerbated when next to Doobie. During his brother’s crazy schemes, Smudge would usually be too scared or would be too fat to pull anything off. On his own, he has a big mouth but can’t back it up! He often perks up when hearing conversation, and is naturally curious when anyone is around. He is the most comfortable around me, but won't mind if someone else is petting or talking to him under my supervision.

Smudge is a greedy pudge lord. He is the manifestation of gluttony. Nothing will stop him from crying for food, even when his belly is full he will cry for more. He prefers fruits over vegetables (so ridiculous) and his grandma will spoil him with whatever he pleases. He is a big fan of parsley, tomatoes, oranges, bananas, blueberries, and anything else that is sweet!

Smudge is my little guy! We have been through a lot together, and he is loved by me and so many others and I hope you can love him too! Click to see his gallery!